This elegant leather “Luxe” harness with patent leather, is exactly what you need to steal the show in presentation and dressage disciplines.
Nylon webbing is stitched between the leather of the traces, breeching, etc. for extra strength.
Breast collar, breeching and bridle nose band is padded and lined with soft leather.
Saddle pad has foam filled cushions, holes are oval to prevnt tearing and all buckles have stainless steel tongues.
Nose band is fully adjustable, and head piece is padded and tappered in the middle, to create more freedom and comfort round the ears.
This luxury harness is complete with a browband with a chain front and oval rosette’s.
Stitches are raced (sunk) into the leather to prevent rubbing and reduce wear.
Standard with anti-slip reins, other reins available on request.
Pairs harness carries the same charictaristics, and is complete with breeching. Nylon webbing is stitched between traces, breast, pole straps and breeching for extra strength.